Facial Injectables and Filters

Facial Injectables and Fillers

Cosmetic dentistry is synonymous with enhancing facial aesthetics to provide a perfect smile. It can also include adjusting the shape of your lip, removing facial lines, and plenty of other treatments in addition to improving how your teeth appear.
Since aging is natural among all human beings, it is possible for your skin to lose its structural support too. Your lips could also become thinner with age besides other changes that can change your facial appearance.
It is possible to rectify all those conditions by visiting Dentist Sunshine. Our dentists can help you by offering you several types of cosmetic dental treatments that are capable of enhancing your visual appeal. With the help of the latest technology and equipment available at our disposal, we can provide you the perfect smile that you desire.

Let’s Craft Your Beautiful Smile

Types of Facial Injectables and Fillers

You can rely on our experienced dentists to utilize non-surgical techniques to improve the anatomy of your face. These could include making use of the following type of Facial Injectables and Fillers:


In cosmetic dentistry, the use of Botox allows for the smoothening of the facial lines and other benefits. The changes can be noticeable in two to ten days from the date of the respective procedure. It is a minimally invasive way of solving many orthodontic cases along with adjusting lip lines, and lip flip, etc. Treating different types of bruxism and orofacial pain is also possible with the use of botulinum toxin.
Adjusting the size of the upper and lower lips can directly affect the ability to smile. Thus, there are several types of dermal fillers used in cosmetic dentistry to acquire the desired facial adjustments. To show more teeth or create proper lip lines and smile lines, these dermal fillers are injected right under the skin to plump up these areas. Thus, Fillers can be used to support implant treatment, restorative dental treatment, and so on.

Dermal Fillers

Dermal Fillers

Adjusting the size of the upper and lower lips can directly affect the ability to smile. Thus, there are several types of dermal fillers used in cosmetic dentistry to acquire the desired facial adjustments. To show more teeth or create proper lip lines and smile lines, these dermal fillers are injected right under the skin to plump up these areas. Thus, Fillers can be used to support implant treatment, restorative dental treatment, and so on.

Types and Benefits

There are numerous procedures possible with the help of dermal fillers and muscle relaxants. The following are among all the treatments available at Dentist Sunshine:
You can get the following impressive advantages with treatments that utilize Facial Injectables and Fillers:

Types and Benefits

These dental procedures are made to enhance the patient’s facial features with minimally invasive techniques. The side effects and risks are quite low and could occur in lower than 1% of all cases. The most common side effect among them is but a mild stinging sensation that goes away quickly.
Moreover, our dentist will examine the existing conditions besides also inquiring about your medical history to properly evaluate your treatment plan.

Contact Us

Our dentists are adept at handling the latest dental equipment and technology to provide you reliable dentistry services. We are capable of effectively treating all your dental problems with our high-quality materials and over two decades of experience. We provide consultation services too for those seeking to inquire about their dental conditions. For learning more about our treatments and to book an appointment for a visit, Contact us today.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you want to get rid of facial lines or want enhancements for your lips, cheek, or the chin then facial injectables can provide you that. If you’re worried about their function and have any doubts at all, then you can ask our dentist to help you learn more.

Some dermal fillers can last for 25-50 weeks while others could possibly last between 5 to 10 years depending on the procedure, materials, and the dentist’s expertise.

Usually, you should avoid taking blood-thinning over-the-counter medications aside from also avoiding supplements. Our dentists will instruct you on any additional medications and food to avoid based on your medical history.

The excessive usage of fillers for any procedure could result in long term effects. These effects can be lip wrinkling, irregular aging of the skin, disharmony of facial fat pads, and more. It is ideal to always approach an experienced and skilled dentist with a high reputation for performing these treatments.

A reputable dentist will provide you the filler treatment once or twice a year only. It is limited because, in six months or so, the fillers are naturally broken down in the body and to avoid the excessive use of it.